Músicas para passar o Halloween (parte 2) / [Halloween musics (part two)]
Vamos lá, mais listas de músicas nesse Halloween!
Primeiramente que curtam as listas. Abaixo o post mostra duas listas do Ron Groo e do Jorge.
Hoje atacamos de duas garotas:
A primeira lista de hoje é da Isabella, minha amiga, ex professora de inglês e atual professora de italiano.
Lista da Isabella - Músicas para o Halloween
Rita Lee - Doce Vampiro
Jenix - Kill The Silence
Michael Jackson - Thriller (clique aqui para ver o vídeo)
Type O Negative - Black Number One
Guns 'n Roses - Sympathy For The Devil
Vange Leonel - Noite Preta
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon
João Penca e seus Miquinhos Amestrados - Suga Suga
Happy Halloween - Danza Delle Streghe
Goblin - Profondo Rosso
Goblin - Tenebre
Excelente a lista da Isabella. "Noite Preta" me fez lembrar minha infância... Para quem não sabe, é uma música que foi trilha da novela Vamp.
Valeu grandão, Bells!
Agora, vamos a lista da Michelle, minha "hermana".
Lista da Michelle - Músicas para Halloween
Pantera - Cemetery Gates
Metallica - Enter Sandman
Alice In Chains - Angry Chair (clique aqui para ver o vídeo)
Silverchair - Spawn
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of The Great Apocalypse
Nazareth - Hair of The Dog
Slipknot - Heretic Anthem
A lista da Mi ficou "pauleira". Super! Uma levinha e o resto só loucura. ^^
Valeu grandão, Mi.
Hoje é o dia pessoal. Aproveitem bem com as listas que já temos aí.
Amanhã eu continuo. Espero as listas que ainda me faltam.
Abraços afáveis! ^^
(In english)
Come on, more music lists on this Halloween!
First you enjoy the lists, because it is today! Below the post shows two lists of Ron Groo and Jorge.
Today attacked with two girls' list:
First you enjoy the lists, because it is today! Below the post shows two lists of Ron Groo and Jorge.
Today attacked with two girls' list:
The first list is now from Isabella.My friend, my former English teacher and current teacher of Italian.
Isabella's list - Halloween musics
Rita Lee - Doce Vampiro ( Or the meaning: "Sweet Vampire") (click here to watch the video)
Jenix - Kill The Silence (click here to watch the video)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (click here to watch the video)
Type O Negative - Black Number One (click here to watch the video)
Guns 'n Roses - Sympathy Of The Devil (click here to watch the video)
Vange Leonel - Noite Preta (or the meaning: " Black Night") (click here to watch the video)
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon (click here to watch the video)
João Penca e seus Miquinhos Amestrados - Suga Suga (or the meaning: "Sucks Sucks" in sense of "absort") (click here to watch the video)
Happy Halloween - Danza Delle Streghe (click here to watch the video)
Goblin - Profondo Rosso (click here to watch the video)
Goblin - Tenebre (click here to watch the video)
Excellent list of Isabella. Noite Preta (or "Black Night") reminded me of my childhood ... For those unknows it, is a music track that was in a brazilian novel called "Vamp".
Thanks a lot, Bells!
Thanks a lot, Bells!
Now, let's have the list from Michelle, my "hermana". ^^
Michelle's list - Halloween musics
Pantera - Cemetery Gates (click here to watch the video)
Metallica - Enter Sandman (click here to watch the video)
Alice In Chains - Angry Chair (click here to watch the video)
Silverchair - Spawn (click here to watch the video)
Rob Zombie - Dragula (click here to watch the video)
Dimmu Borgir - Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (click here to watch the video)
The Rasmus - Funeral Song (click here to watch the video)
Nazareth - Hair of The Dog (click here to watch the video)
Slipknot - Heretic Anthem (click here to watch the video)
The Michelle's lista was great! Heavy!!!! Super!! One soft and the rest: just crazy. ^ ^
Thanks aaaaaaaaaaa lot!
Today is the day!!!!. Enjoy well with the lists we already have there.Tomorrow we will have more. I hope the lists that I still wait for, come to my email.
Lovely hugs! ^ ^
Lovely hugs! ^ ^